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Python:How to install Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib on Windows10 64bit Environment



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This post is about how to install Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib libraries on windows10 64bit environment.
By the way, if you want to know how to install Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib libraries on windows 32bit environment, reffer to python:installing machine learning library(windows7-32bit) .

Python's Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib library are basically for the 32-bit environment, libraries for installation for the 64-bit environments are unofficially distributed(at the time of post creation).
Or if you want to install Python in a new environment, Anaconda( is usefull because the libraries of Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib are contained from the beginning.
Also, by using Anaconda, you can create a Python virtual environment with the "conda create" command, and install different versions of libraries for each project.

If you try to install a 32-bit library on a windows 64-bit environment, the following error appears.

python version 3.4 required which was not found in the registry

Run command prompt with administrator privileges and update pip

To open the windows command prompt with administrator privileges, enter cmd in the start window and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter keys (or right-click cmd.exe and run as administrator) to execute.
Then run the following command(pip update).
The reason for updating pip is because wheels cannot be used with older versions of pip .

pip install pip --upgrade

Install wheel by using pip command

Wheel is a distribution format for distributing Python packages.

pip install wheel

Pip install Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib

Download the 64-bit version of the library from the following sites. The extension is whl and the capacity is quite large.
The file name cp27 means CPython2.7 version. Generally speaking, Python refers to CPython.




At the command prompt, move to the directory where you downloaded the file with the cd command, and pip install Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib as shown below.

pip install downloaded-file-name

To check if libraries such as Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib are installed properly in the Python environment, execute the following command to display a list of installed libraries.

pip list